My own interest in health and well-being was sparked at a very young age. I inherited a sensitive stomach, type A personality, and MTHFR gene mutation. This combination caused my health to fail. I struggled with weekly migraine attacks, stomach pain, malnutrition and overachieving. A turning point was when I received a school assignment to write about yoga and found my father’s old yoga book. I tried some breathing exercises and to my surprise I felt immediate relief. I experienced a shift in my state. And that’s where my well-being journey began.

This experience encouraged me to dive deeper into various aspects of well-being, such as nutrition and exercise. I read numerous books on nutrition, tried different diets, and learned about food as medicine. However, my mind resisted the changes and forced me to push and perform both mentally and physically. I was still maintaining unhealthy beliefs about myself, which is why I subconsciously sabotaged my benevolent efforts to improve my health. It took me years before I found healthy love and respect for myself and my body. This journey has taught me a lot about the importance of the mind in the healing process, which I emphasize in my own work.

The much needed change in my own health required a total change in diet, in the way I move my body and relax the mind. With the help of an individual diet, I was able to repair the bacterial flora of my digestive system and balance hormonal function. The migraines and depression that shadowed my childhood disappeared. My concentration, alertness and energy levels improved. Little by little I had energy to exercise and enjoy life. Today I look at this journey with great gratitude. It has led me to my current profession, which brings me meaning and joy. In addition to medical studies I have completed a degree in clinical nutrition, studied sports medicine, psychology, yoga and meditation. It is important for me to keep growing and evolving. I also aim to remain open to new perspectives. It is clear to me that holistic well- being requires the balancing of all aspects of life.

We are all biochemically and mentally unique. That is why I combine everything I have learned in my work and the reason I have a holistic and individual approach. That is the only way I feel I can really help people. I would love to hear about your journey, your dreams and your goals. Share your story and join the health journey to find a balanced, energetic and radiant feeling!


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