Ostoskori 0
lääkäri & ravitsemusterapeutti

Start your wellness journey

..from the convinience of your own home


Holistic Approach

Treating the root cause

Individual counseling


sounds familiar?

Bloating, heartburn, fatigue, stress, overweight…

Vague symptoms may affect your quality of life. In addition, they can direct you into making desperate diet experiments that make you feel even more exhausted. Maybe you have sought help from a doctor who has assured you that your symptoms aren’t due to medical reasons. This story is familiar and I know how frustrating it feels to just treat the symptoms, rather than addressing the root causes behind the symptoms. 


new beginning

Start a wellness journey that will address the root causes behind your symptoms!

With holistic approach, we can find out the root causes of health problems and restore a natural well-being.

After choosing the service, I will contact you to book a time for online session. Prior to the meeting, I will review the forms you have submitted so that we can use our session in finding solutions. With personal guidance, you’ll get information, practical tools and support so that the keys to well-being are in your own hands.


time for change!

Restore your well-being to support your goals!

Health is our most important resource and well-being is a fundamental right of us all. With this wellness coaching, you will learn about your own biochemical individuality and get the tools that will restore the well-being you deserve.

It is clear to me that holistic well-being requires balancing all aspects of life. This is why there is a holistic and individual approach to my coaching. We are all unique biochemically. I combine everything I’ve learned so far, since I’ve discovered that, that is truly the way to help people with health issues. 

Olen todella tyytyväinen, että varasin ajan Sandran vastaanotolle. Melkein vuosikymmenen kestäneiden selvittelyjen ja tuloksettomien kokeilujen jälkeen on ollut hienoa saada “ei oon” sijaan tarkkaa tietoa omasta terveydestä sekä yksilöllisiä ohjeita sen parantamiseksi. Konkreettiset ja henkilökohtaisen tilanteen huomioivat ohjeet ja jatkuva tuki ruokavalion suhteen ovat tehneet tarvittavien muutosten tekemisestä mielekästä. Epämääräiset vatsavaivat sekä ruokavalion ja elämän rajoittaminen niiden takia vaikuttavat todella loppuneen tähän. Sandra huomioi asiakkaansa tilanteen perusteellisesti kokonaisuutena ajatusmalleja ja elämään väistämättä kuuluvaa psyykkistä kuormitusta unohtamatta, mikä on ilahduttanut erityisesti. Voin lämpimästi suositella Sandran ohjausta!
— Kirsi Kemppi, Helsinki
Hakeuduin Sandran ohjaukseen etupäässä päästäkseni irti tunnesyömisestä. Insuliinihoitoinen diabetes, epäsäännölliset rutiinit ja kova lihastreeni tuovat omat muuttujansa syömiseeni. Sandra on empaattinen, ammattitaitoinen ja aito persoona. Sandra lähestyy syömistä kokonaisuutena ja toisaalta yksilöllisesti, jolloin tarjottu ratkaisu ei ole vain ruokavalio, vaan Sandra auttoi minua tunnistamaan syvempiä arvoja syömisen taustalla ja löytämään pysyvän tavan asennoitua syömiseen uudella tavalla. Olen päässyt eroon tunnesyömisestä, ahdistuksen ja jännityksen tunteet ovat vähentyneet huomattavasti. Lisäksi olen huomannut, että liuskoittuvat kynteni ja kuiva ihoni ovat nykyään paljon paremmassa kunnossa.
— Nea Pohja, Helsinki


Nutrition guidance

  • Careful examination of your health

  • An hour-long consultation

  • A summary of the issues reviewed and a follow-up plan

Wellness coaching,
3 months

  • Careful review of your health based on your background

  • Individual and holistic concultations according to your needs and wishes

  • Three hour long sessions with me 

Lifestyle change,
6 months

  • Careful review of your health based on your background

  • Individual and holistic concultations according to your needs and wishes

  • Five hour long sessions with me


 Action plan


1. Choose your service


2. Let’s pick your consultation date


3. Begin your journey to well-being



My promise to you

When you start wellness coaching, you know you are under the guidance of a professional. I am a trained doctor (LL), a dietician (M.Sc.), as well as a yoga instructor (RYT200).

I am constantly learning new things, updating my skills and testing my beliefs so that I can provide you with a shortcut to feeling good. It brings me joy when I get to be involved, alongside as a walker on your journey of well-being.

In many cases, health and well-being also act as a catalyst for other life changes! Seeing these countless changes and following people’s discoveries of their own strength is a great honor and inspires me time and time again. Choose the service that works best for you and I’ll meet you in the first video call.


 Givey yourself the gift of wellness.


do you have any questions?

Contact form


Interested in biohacking?


learn to optimize

Bio-hacking is about optimizing performance, health and well-being with the help of the latest research data, technologies, experts and self-experimentation.

Biohacking is especially suitable for women, as women are often in better contact with their own bodies.